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Download File: Commands
The following commands are accessible on Some but not all of these commands work for other servers as well. We have custom GM level setup for players which adjusts to Level 1 GM. This allows the following to work. Simple GM Command Example: Type “!addallmaps” to obtain all maps on the server or “!addallspells” to learn all spells.
Command | Description | Custom MogHouse? |
!addallattachments | Unlocks all automation attachments. | N |
!addallmaps | Unlocks all maps from the time of the command being made (Note: Doesnt add new zones as they get added) | N |
!addallmounts | Unlocks all mounts currently accessible in game. | N |
!addallspells | Unlocks ALL spells (This has been modified for MogHouse to avoid spells that were crashing user clients) | Y |
!addalltrusts | Unlocks all Trusts. (These might not be accessible yet!) | N |
!addallweaponskills | Adds ALL weapon skills to WS List. | N |
!addcurrency | Allows adding of things like cruor to player | N |
!adddynatime | Adds more time to dynamis session | N |
!addeffect | Adds special effect to player. Current Effects List (Outdated) | N |
!additem | Adds any itemid that exists in this version of the game on the server. IDs are inside of ffxiah.coms address bar: In this case would be !additem 25696 | N |
!addkeyitem | Adds any key itemid that exists in this version of the game. Also accessible same as above. We will do an ID list eventually.. | N |
!addmission | N | |
!addquest | N | |
!addspell | N | |
!addtempitem | N | |
!addtitle | N | |
!addtreasure | N | |
!addweaponskillpoints | N | |
!aery | Teleports you to Dragons Aery Prepare to fight! | Y |
!ah | Brings up Auction House (Note: MogHouse doesnt have an active Auction House due to !additem command | N |
!animatenpc | ||
!animatesubnpc | ||
!animation | ||
!apocnigh | Teleports you to Apoc Nigh | Y |
!breaklinkshell | N | |
!bring / !bringall | Customized command to NOT be usable by normal players. This allows admins to bring everyone or anyone to their location. (!bring is normal GM command on other servers) | Y |
!capallskills / !capskill | Caps ALL skill levels to your current job level (IE if youre level 10 and max skill is 20 for something it maxes it to 20.) (Can also cap individual skills) | N |
!cerberus | Takes player to Cerberus. | Y |
!changejob / !changesjob | These can be used to change MAIN or SUB job. Just use job code and level IE: !changejob MNK 99 | N |
!checkinstance | N | |
!checkinteraction | N | |
!checklocalvar | ||
!checkmission | N | |
!checkmissionstatus | N | |
!checkquest | N | |
!checkvar | N | |
!chocobo | Summons a chocobo to ride. This technically works ANYWHERE. SO enjoy breaking the rules. | Y |
!cnation | Changes your nation: 1 (San DOria), 2 (Bastok), 3 (Windurst) | N |
!completemission | N | |
!completequest | N | |
!completerecord | N | |
!costume | Allows you to wear a costume. There are 10,000+ costumes, so just play with IDs. !costume 0 will remove. | N |
!cp | N | |
!crash | Higher GM thing that can force a crash. Not accessible to normal players. | N |
!cs / !cs2 | Triggers start of a cutscene | N |
!delcurrency | Delete set currency. IE Cruor. | N |
!deleffect | Deletes effect [id]. | N |
!delitem | Deletes set item, See for item IDs. | N |
!delkeyitem | Same as above but for Key Items | N |
!delmission | Can delete mission by ID. | N |
!delquest | Deletes quest by ID | N |
!delspell | Deletes Spell by ID. | N |
!despawnmob | Despawns a selected mob by ID. | N |
!dominion | Teleports player to Behemoths Dominion | Y |
!down | Moves player down some points on Z axis. | Y |
!entityvisual | N | |
!exec | N | |
!exp | removes our EXP Bonus we have set to default if you want a more retail like experience. | Y |
!fixspeed | Adjusts your speed back to default. If you had been going too fast.. or slow. | Y |
!flash | Run Barry, run. | Y |
!fly | I believe I can FLYYYYYYYYYYYY | Y |
!gc_full | N | |
!gc_step | N | |
!getcraftrank | N | |
!getid | Gets target ID (NPC or target like Door, ???. etc.) | N |
!getmobaction | N | |
!getmobflags | N | |
!getmod | N | |
!getquestvar | N | |
!getskill | N | |
!getstats | N | |
!getwspoints | N | |
!givegil | Give target player gil. | N |
!giveitem | Give target player item by ID. | N |
!givels | Gives target player LS by Name (Cast Sensitive!) | N |
!gmgear | Gives you all GM gear. (Note: GM armor is ONLY wearable by HUME. | Y |
!gmisland | Gives you access to my favorite little slice off fun. | Y |
!godmode | Go forth and kill. Turns on invisible, and tons of other things to remove the fun but also creates a lot of fun ?? | N |
!goto | Teleport you to players location at that moment. (Players moving around and running might be gone before you appear.) | N |
!gotoid | N | |
!hasitem/ !haskeyitem | Checks if player has specific item or keyitem by ID | N |
!hastitle | Checks to see if player has a title by ID. | N |
!hide | HIDEs your GM Ass. | N |
!home / !homepoint | Takes you to your homepoint. | Y/N |
!hp | Sets yours or targets HP. | N |
!immortal | Sets Target to be unkillable. | N |
!inject | Adjusted to not be accessible for players here. | N |
!injectaction | Adjusted to not be accessible for players here. | N |
!instance | N | |
!jail | Adjusted to not be accessible for players here. Puts player in jail. !jail Tagban | N |
!jinx | Adjusted to not be accessible for players here. Tortures Player. | Y |
!job | Job store based on the job youre currently on. | Y |
!kill | OMG Dont use this! | Y |
!kirin | Teleports you straight to Kirin. | Y |
!learnmagic | Much safer version of !addallspells, doesnt include spells that caused crashes. | Y |
!logoff | Force logoff target. Set to higher GM level so normal players cant use it. | N |
!messagebasic / !messagespecial | Used to send server wide messages or special messages. to players. | N |
!mobhere | Brings a monster in the zone to you directly. Works by ID. | N |
!mobmp | Sets monsters MP. | Y |
!mobsub | Sets monsters Subjob. | N |
!mount | Similar to chocobo command, but works with the other mounts as well. 0=Chocobo. | N |
!mp | Sets target MP. | N |
!nopants | NO PANTS ARE THE BEST PANTS! Pants target! | Y |
!npchere | Moves NPC in your zone to you directly. | N |
!nuke | Nuclear Launch Detected | Y |
!pardon | Removes Jail status from user. | N |
!petgodmode | Your pet unchained | N |
!pettp | Set TP to pet. | N |
!pos | Returns exact coordinates in server where you are. | N |
!posfix | The most popular command ever. Fixes a players location back to a safe spot if they cant log in. You can make a second char to do this to your first. | N |
!promote | Promotes players GM level. (Turned off for MogHouse) | N |
!raise | Uses Raise on player. IE: !raise 5 Tagban | N |
!release | Releases from Cutscene | N |
!reloaddefaultactions | Removes any custom actions that had been turned on by commands. | N |
!reloadglobal | Only for higher level GMs. Reloads Global Lua files like Player and settings. | N |
!reloadinteraction | Only for higher level GMs. Reloads the interaction framework | N |
!reloadnavmesh | Only for higher level GMs. Reloads the navmesh (What informs the client and NPCs where hills/trees are, to support movement mechanics. | N |
!reloadquest | Only for higher level GMs. Attempts to reload quest by name (Lua) without a restart. (Good for testing) | N |
!reset | Resets all Job Ability timers for target or self. | N |
!return | Warps player or target to their previous zone. | N |
!seahorror | Spawns Sea horror on boat to Mhaura/Selbina. | Y |
!send | Adjusted for MogHouse, blocked for players to use. Allows sending one player to another players location. | N |
!setallegiance | Sets players allegiance | N |
!setbag | Sets players bag size (Gobbiebag level) | N |
!setcapcitypoints | Adjust capacity points for self/player | N |
!setcraftrank | Set rank in crafting. | N |
!setflag | Can change a TON of things, Turned off for MogHouse players as can cause client crashes. | N |
!setgil | Set targets or selfs gil. | N |
!setjobpoints | Adjust job points to specificed number. | N |
!setlocalvar | Set player npc or mob local variable and value. | N |
!setmentor | 0 = Not a mentor, 1 = Unlocked but inactive, 2 = Unlocked & flag on. | N |
!setmerits | Sets the target players merit count. | N |
!setmissionstatus | Sets missionStatus for the given LogID and target Player | N |
!setmobflags | Used to manipulate a mobs nameflags for testing. | N |
!setmoblevel | Sets the target monsters level. | N |
!setmod | Sets the specified modifier to the specified value on the cursor target or player | N |
!setmusic | Changes zone music for ou based on ID. | N |
!setplayerlevel | Sets another players level. (Disabled on | N |
!setplayermodel | Adjust model | N |
!setplayernation | Adjust nation | N |
!setplayervar | Sets special variables. | N |
!setprogress | Changes progress inside an instance | N |
!setquestvar | N | |
!setrank | N | |
!setskill | N | |
!setstage | N | |
!setweather | Use Weather IDs | N |
!shop | Custom shop for | Y |
!signet | Toggles Signet on. | Y |
!slap | YOU JUST GOT SLAPPED>>>> | Y |
!spawnmob | Spawns monster based on ID. | N |
!speed | Adjust movement speed. | N |
!starlight | Special store with holiday things | Y |
!takegil | Takes set amount of gil from player | N |
!takeexp | Takes set amount of EXP from player. | N |
!time | Not for normal users. This adjusts the time offset to align with vanadiel time. | N |
!togglegm | Toggles GM mode on/off. GM mode on has icon and no aggro. | N |
!tp | Sets TP of player. | N |
!troll1 | Spawns some mobs in Whitegate. (Testing) | Y |
!troll2 | Spawns some mobs in Whitegate. (Testing) | Y |
!troll3 | Spawns some mobs in Whitegate. (Testing) | Y |
!undead1 | Spawns some mobs in Whitegate. (Testing) | Y |
!undead2 | Spawns some mobs in Whitegate. (Testing) | Y |
!undead3 | Spawns some mobs in Whitegate. (Testing) | Y |
!up | Moves char up on the Z axis. | Y |
!updateconquest | Refreshes Contequst tally from Database data. | N |
!updateservermessage | Turned off for players on MogHouse, this updates the server message on login. | N |
!ver | Shows server version to player | N |
!wallhack | This allows you to go down thru floors, go thru walls, and run on water. Follows same plane you started on. Use !up or !down to adjust Z axis. | N |
!where | Gives location of PC. | N |
!zone | Teleports player to specified zone. Supports auto translated zone names. | N |
Showing 1 to 172 of 172 entries